Mon 27 Jan
❣⭕❣⭕❣⭕❣⭕Sensual Cuddling therapy with a beautiful ebony women❣⭕❣⭕❣⭕❣⭕Available daily 10am-10pm - 35
(Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill/Cheltenham-Avail til 10pm)
💜💜Now Visiting the Area💦Come Spank Me I've been such a Naughty Lil Girl 💦💦 - 29
(Philadelphia, Phila., Airport, Delco area Incall/Local)
l💄💋💘💌READY TO PLAY💞💞SEXY JESSI👸 💋 Catch Me While You Can!😍😍
(North Bay, San Rafael / Novato Incall 10/27-10/30)
_♥__ ☑ 1OO % SEXY _ ☑ 1OO % REAL _ ☑ 1OO % SATISFYING _ ♥ ***** ***** ***** ***** - 20
(FRIENDSHIP, Pittsburgh)
$70 SMOOthSkin/NO WIGS Here** JENN's/MSG--> (Don't_ LeT_YuR _DATE_Be_A_ FAKE)!!!! S©0®€/HERE - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh DUQ/UNIVERSITY $70-1DAY OnLY)
" ☆" .......amazing and sexy l@tina ready to play!!......" ☆" - 22
(Midland / Odessa, odessa midland)
$n@k3 ch@rm3rs Lexie 410 980 5666 heavenly sweet but n@Ugh+y as h3ll - 25
(Pittsburgh, banksville rd)
Looking for a classy girl? Gorgeous hotties available every night til 6am! outcall only - 22
(Pittsburgh pa)
Lomi Lomi massage &&& companionship 234 206 0543 $150 hr $300(incl 3 hrs) - 32
(Pittsburgh, Robinson town center/outcall too)
♥ I jUsT lOvE bEiNg. A.nAuGhTy GiRl ♥ IRisH bEaUty♥ LAsTdAy 120 SpEcIAlS - 21
(incalls..airport area)
~~~»» GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE ««~~~ NICE * little * SNOW * BUNNY!!! [[[outcalls allover]]] - 23
*********Gentlemen who Love Curves********* 310-435-9884 - 41
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh-Wheeling-Morgantown)
** highly addicted professional escort** available 7 days a wk** highly addictive I LOVE what i do! - 26
(Pittsburgh, incall *verona/Oakmont * 7 days a wk)
x.☆.x == NEW . mix . HOTTIE == x.☆.x == KINKY . and . FREAKY == x.☆.x - 21
(Harrisburg, (¯`'•.¸ HARRiSBURG ¸.•'´¯))
(SWEET! )——• ExOtIc ~ BoMBSHeLL • ——♥FUN & SEXY! ——• ( AVAiLABLe NoW ) • —♥))) LET'S CUDDLE ! - - 23
(Philadelphia, Incall Specials .. Will drive 90mins ..)
Simple Seductions - 25
(Allentown, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Reading, York, outcalls only)
❗❗ShoRt sTay SPecIals❗❗❗new GiRl In ToWn looKiNg fOR FuN.😘😘1/2 ILtaliAn aNd BlAcK FemaLe eXotic - 27
(Harrisburg, Downtown Harrisburg, Uptown Harrisburg)
SPECIALS ❗❗-Short -StaYs OpenminDed Very SeXy Blk Women if Ur Lookn For aGrEat Time ..Call Me - 21
🌹 TREASURE Back In Town Pull My Hair Smack My Ass Sexy Goddess 💞🌹 - 26
(Nashville, Nashville/Airport)
o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© {W/ A TIGERESS}o© - 41
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg&New; Cumberland)
Wow Smoken Hot Tara** U can't miss out on this!!!! ***********New pics!!!** Ask about Specials.!!!** - 24
(Austin, Austin and and sorronding areas..)
It's about time you're a bit selfish and allow someone to take care of you - 32
(Madison, where is my John Wayne? Where is my...)
😘Dont Tease Yourself, Treat Yourself!🌺 Waiting For Your Call Now!💕608-209-8491💋 - 32
(Madison, North Side Residence)
*Sweet THICK CURVY n juicy** native beauty ALL FOR U!! Don't wait call NOW(IN CALL North side) - 24
(Madison, North side Madison)
:•.LaSt NiTE HeRE♡♥REAdY 2- GEt FrEaKy WiT ME......"SeXy & SuPeR FrEaKy" ★VIDEO PROOF - 24
(North Mississippi, TUPELO (601) 942 5271)
REMARKABLE TALENTS ❤❤❤❤ ebony babe 💚💚💚💚 ! maKE !T GROW B!G BABY 💜💜💜💜 only the best for YOU!! - 20
(Austin, I35 & 290 North Austin, North)
_____ _____ _____ ALWaYs YoUr #1 PiCK _____ _____ _____ - 25
(Memphis, sycamore view-my place/anywhere u r)