Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
~~ no BAIT no SWITCH ~~ @LL AMERIC@N bLoNdE ** iDePEnDEnT ** STUnninG B3@UTY 24//7 - 23
*New*Sexi & W!Ld @LL U N£€D & MoR£ >We R The Total Package #1 Best Of Da Best!! (2Girl-$Special) - 20
(Scranton, wilkes barre in/out calls)
S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ____❤ AMAZiNG SKiLLS ❤ VeRY ADDiCTiVE ❤ - 19
(Scranton, wilkes barre....24/7 INCALL/OUTCALL)
$*$*$ Jewels $*$*$ Beautiful Dreamcatcher $*$*$ Specials $*$*$ - 28
(Scranton, Scranton ( in call only))
• ♦♥️ SINFully SEXY ♦★♥️ AVaiLABLE NoW♦️♣️♠️♥️LeT mE bE YoUR dIRtY Lil SEcRet - 21
(Hazelton Incalls Only, Scranton)
BOOTYLICIOUS aka Superbabe!! Sexy Sexy Sexy!! Massage Private Dances n Bachelor Partiess!CALL NOW!
Cute College Co-ed, Party Girl for Good Times! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, anywhere you want me!)
💖💖 hot 34c Asian maid!!!! I want to be ur slave girl!!!!!!! Last three days!!!!!! - 25
(Scranton, Wilkes barre- highway 315)
{New} #1 Pl@TiNuM!!! D!TcH Th£ N@GginG WiF£ & S£E M£ I W!ll R!D£ It L!K£ I OwN U % {Special-$100} - 21
(Scranton, Pittston/W.Barre/Scranton In/Out 24/7)
🌸—🌸 【New】Girls New feeling ▃▃▃▃▃🍎 Free table shower💟 Enjoy your relaxation time▬▬▬▬💟=570-468-4939.🌇 - 23
Fri 03 Jan
Please, ladies, get better photos taken and let me do them for you - 45
(Scranton, Wilke Barre area)
Lett Sexxy Lil Cassy show you a Good time ;)💋💋 Ask about 2girl specials - 20
(Scranton, Wilkesbarre/Scranton outcalls)
(REVIEWED) Have Me UR way! 5708154936 2 GiRl SpEcIaL SexY BloNde! PleAsUrE GUARANTEED! - 21
(Scranton, Moosic/Pittston/Scranton/WB INCALL Only)
5 star provider- Let me make you happy- Real Pics, New in town!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
█▓————— HoT ————— SEXxY ———— Pretty ——— Asian Girl ————— AvailaBLe — NOW————— 646-668-7772 ———— ▓█ - 22
(Scranton, INCALL ONLY)
✦TaStEfUl ¯`SiNfUl´¯ EXOTIC ¯`'FuN´¯ TrEaT ¯`'WILD '´¯ FrEaKy ¯`'hOt'´¯ Have The Time of ur Life✦ - 24
(Scranton, Hazleton/freeland. notinscranton)
New to the area Sexy Summer and Poison Ivy incall special today - 21
(Scranton, in Pittston wilkes barre)
Miss foxx ! Staying 1 More day Gentlemen ! THANKSGIVING Spcl ! See u Soon ! - 29
(Scracton pa, Scranton)
Thu 02 Jan
**let me show you what the best feels like ***
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, hotel room)